Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, we assist our clients on different size projects. Minor structural modifications can be handled quickly based on the needs of the project and client.
Yes, we have extensive experience in performing load-checks on the existing buildings. Based on the extent of new loads, we also assist in developing structural strengthening solutions.
We have assisted many clients in performing structural due diligence for the assets they may be interested in purchasing. These assets may include office buildings and parking garages. When needed, we have based our condition assessments on ASTM E2018.
As a part of our condition assessment, we not only provide prioritized repair recommendations, we also provide an opinion of probable repair costs for those assets.
Yes, we would be glad to provide a proposal for regular assessments so that you can incorporate that cost into your annual budget program.
We understand the time sensitive situations that many clients may face due to a possible structural hazard or likely business operation disruption. We respond to our Clients’ needs with quick action and support.
No, Suntaris does not execute the construction or repair work. We help clients select a qualified contractor based on the nature and extent of the work. Additionally, we provide administration of the new construction or repair work.